2009-2014 (postdoctoral work)

Scott-Van Zeeland AA, Bloss C, Tewhey C, Bansal V, et al “Evidence for the Role of EPHX2 gene variants in Anorexia Nervosa”.   Molecular  Psychiatry, 2014

Selvaraj S, Dixon JR, Bansal V, Ren B. Whole genome haplotype reconstruction using proximity-ligation and shotgun sequencing. Nature Biotechnology 2013
Torkamani A, Pham P, Libiger O, Bansal V, Zhang G, Scott-Van Zeeland AA, Tewhey R, Topol EJ, Schork NJ. Clinical implications of human population differences in genome-wide rates of functional genotypes. Front Genet. 2012;3:211.

Tewhey R, Cannavino CR, Leake JA, Bansal V, Topol EJ, Torkamani A, Bradley JS, Schork NJ. Genetic structure of community acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300. BMC Genomics. 2012 Sep 25;13:508. 

Bansal V, Libiger O. A probabilistic method for the detection and genotyping of small indels from population-scale sequence data. Bioinformatics. 2011 Aug 1;27(15):2047-53. Epub 2011 Jun 7. 

Lo C, Bashir A, Bansal V, Bafna V. Strobe sequence design for haplotype assembly. BMC Bioinformatics. 2011 Feb 15;12 Suppl 1:S24.

Tewhey R, Bansal V, Torkamani A, Topol EJ, Schork NJ. The importance of phase information for human genomics. Nature Review Genetics 2011 Mar;12(3):215-23. 

Bansal V, Tewhey R, Topol EJ, Schork NJ. The next phase in human genetics. Nature Biotechnology 2011 Jan;29(1):38-9. 

Bansal V, Tewhey R, Leproust EM, Schork NJ. Efficient and cost effective population resequencing by pooling and in-solution hybridization. PLoS One. 2011 Mar 30;6(3):e18353. 

Bansal V, Libiger O, Torkamani A, Schork NJ. Statistical analysis strategies for association studies involving rare variants. Nature Reviews Genetics 2010

Harismendy O, Bansal V, et al. Population sequencing of two endocannabinoid metabolic genes identifies rare and common regulatory variants associated with extreme obesity and metabolite level. Genome Biology 2010;11(11):R118. 

Bashir A, Bansal V, Bafna V. Designing deep sequencing experiments: detecting structural variation and estimating transcript abundance. BMC Genomics. 2010 June 18;11:385. [article on GenomeWeb]

Bhatia G, Bansal V, Harismendy O, Schork NJ, Topol EJ, Frazer K, Bafna V. A covering method for detecting genetic associations between rare variants andcommon phenotypes. PLoS Comput Biol. 2010 Oct 14;6(10):e1000954. 

Bansal V, Harismendy O, Tewhey R, Murray SS, Schork NJ, Topol EJ, Frazer KA. Accurate detection and genotyping of SNPs utilizing population sequencing data. Genome Research 2010 Apr;20(4):537-45. [article in Biotechniques] [article in genome technology]

Schork NJ, Bansal V. Not so lost in the genetic crowd. Nature Genetics 2009

2004-2008 (Ph.D. work)

Bansal V, Bafna V. HapCUT: an efficient and accurate algorithm for the haplotype assembly problem. Bioinformatics. 2008 Aug 15;24(16):i153-9.

Bansal V, Halpern AL, Axelrod N, Bafna V. An MCMC algorithm for haplotype assembly from whole-genome sequence data. Genome Research 2008 Aug;18(8):1336-46.

Levy S, Sutton G, Ng PC, Feuk L, Halpern AL, Walenz BP, Axelrod N, Huang J, Kirkness EF, Denisov G, Lin Y, MacDonald JR, Pang AW, Shago M, Stockwell TB, Tsiamouri A, Bafna V, Bansal V, Kravitz SA, Busam DA, Beeson KY, McIntosh TC, Remington KA, Abril JF, Gill J, Borman J, Rogers YH, Frazier ME, Scherer SW, Strausberg RL, Venter JC. The diploid genome sequence of an individual human. PLoS Biol. 2007 Sep 4;5(10):e254. 

Gusfield D, Bansal V, Bafna V, Song YS. A decomposition theory for phylogenetic networks and incompatible characters. J Comput Biol. 2007 Dec;14(10):1247-72. 

Bansal V, Bashir A, Bafna V. Evidence for large inversion polymorphisms in the human genome from HapMap data. Genome Research 2007 Feb;17(2):219-30. Epub 2006 Dec 21.

Bafna V, Bansal V. Inference about recombination from haplotype data: lower bounds and recombination hotspots. J Comput Biol. 2006 Mar;13(2):501-21. PubMed PMID: 16597254.